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The information on this website should not be misconstrued as an offer, nor a solicitation, to buy or sell securities.  Any historical, non-hypothetical performance contained within this website is representative of net-of-fees performance.  2011 ARS performance represents a non-fee paying account, and 2011 returns are gross of fees.  The past performance of any investment(s) does not necessarily indicate the future performance of any investment(s).  No client, current or prospective, should assume the future performance of their investments will be profitable based on historical performance.  Any backtest charts and data presented are purely hypothetical and do not represent the performance of accounts managed by IPS Strategic Capital.  The results were obtained by applying a rules-based investment process to historical data.

All investments have the potential for profit and the potential risk of loss.  Changes in investment strategies, contributions, or withdrawals may cause the performance results of one’s portfolio to differ materially from the reported composite performance.  Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that any specific investment will either be suitable or profitable for a client’s portfolio.  One should always consult an investment advisor before making any investment decisions.

Please note that registration of the Advisor does not imply a certain level of skill or training.  Mutual Fund Protection Service, DBA IPS Strategic Capital, is registered with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission as an investment advisor to an investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 utilizing their proprietary IPS Strategic Capital Absolute Return Strategy.

IPS Strategic Capital conducts business in accordance with the requirements of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and the rules the Commission has adopted under the Advisers Act.  This business practice is also conducted to keep the firm in compliance with the current filing requirements as required by those states in which IPS Strategic Capital maintains advisory clients.  IPS Strategic Capital may only transact business in those states in which it is registered or qualifies for an exemption or exclusion from registration requirements.  IPS Strategic Capital is an advisor of SEC registered WP Trust, which acts as an investment company for the IPS Strategic Capital Absolute Return Mutual Fund (http://www.investpsfunds.com).  For information pertaining to the registration status of IPS Strategic Capital, please contact the Securities and Exchange Commission.

This website is the property of IPS Strategic Capital.  All content on this website is provided for informational purposes only.  While the information contained on this website is representative of the best available information at the time, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of said information.  This site is not intended to be, nor should anyone consider anything on this site to be investment, accounting, tax, or legal advice.  If investment, accounting, tax, or legal advice is needed, one should always consult their own financial advisors, accountants, or attorneys regarding their individual circumstances and needs.

2023 ADV
Each year we update our ADV (which is essentially a “résumé” for our firm) and make it available for clients to review. The ADV contains information about our billing procedures, educational backgrounds, firm philosophies, and more. If you would like to receive a copy of this document, please contact us at 303-697-3174 or by email at info@investps.com.

Privacy Notice
Each year, we make the Privacy Policy and Business Continuity Plan Disclosure Statement for our firm available to our clients upon request. If you would like to request a copy of these documents, please see below, or contact our office at 303- 697-3174 or email us at info@investps.com.

2023 ADV Part 2 (A&B)

2023 Form CRS

Statement Disclosures:

IPS Strategic Capital is not affiliated with any of the following rating companies and has no influence on the ratings.

Morningstar – *Overall Morningstar RatingTM Long-Short Equity Category as of 4/18/2016. Source: Morningstar, Inc., http://www.morningstar.com



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